Friday, August 16, 2024

New Academic Plans

                                        ''History is the story of events, with praise or blame.''*1

                                                                   -Cotton Mather 

Over the prior months, I've been adjusting to having graduated with a bachelor's in English. As I've noted before, majoring in English has made me a greater writer. Today, I've decided to switch from the MA in Christian Apologetics: Thesis to the Master of Arts (which I had switched to from the MA in Biblical Studies) in Theological Studies. From there, I hope to pursue a PhD in history. I want to finish my seminary degree soon and prepare for a career in academia. 

I've been a major history buff throughout my life. Whether it is the American Civil War, World War II, the Crusades, or Ancient Rome, I enjoy studying history. In fact, there is something about the study of the past that often does my heart good. With a master's in theology, I will be able to pastor a church in the near future (should I desire this). 

Switching to history has been an exciting choice. As I proceed, I ask for prayers from everyone. 



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