Friday, December 25, 2015

Some Thoughts on Richard I

In my opinion Richard the Lionheart was the greatest warrior king of the Medieval Ages. He fought in England, Sicily, Cyprus, Palestine, and France and never lost a battle once. It has been a privileged to have him as the hero of my series, the Christian hero that was and unmatched by all strategist and warriors of his time. I don't think there was a stronger or greater king of England. This is truly emotional to say but I am on my last book with Richard the Lionheart whom is my favorite of all the characters in my books along with his knight friend companion, Peter de Preaux. The last book of this saga will center on Richard's wicked brother Prince John, the legendary Sir William Marshall, the newly crowned nephew of Richard the Lionheart: Henry III, and Sir William des Roches{ the only main hero to make it to the end of the story}.

Monday, November 9, 2015

A Series Now at Work for More than Five Years

 As of October 2015 I had been writing a series on the crusades for five years. It's been one long adventure, very emotional and long, stressful and relaxing, Sad and Joyful. It has taken a lot of work. Many have come to know of Kings and Crusaders by my speeches on history, my advertising of my books through blog, facebook, and google plus. Others have heard of them through word of mouth. I have hundreds that follow me worldwide from various countries. And to them they shall know a strong confirmation update about my books.
 The Kings and Crusaders series upon completion is to be six books. I'm on the fifth right now, Crusade to the South. The final book of the series, I am not long from writing and greatly look forward to it as it will be the best of the sequel trilogy full of excitement and inspiration.
 But as for now on my fifth book which has been very enjoyable writing. The story is about Richard the Lionheart invasion on France after his return to England in 1194. This book will be the last book of my series with the physical presence of Richard I though he will be mentioned and talked about in the closing book. Therefore it plays one particular  important role that I will mention here: It closes with Richard as the  story shifts to his brother Prince John and several other characters.
 The last closing book of the series will center around King John of England, Sir William Marshall, King Phillip Augustas of France, Sir William de Preaux, Duke Odo III of Burgundy, Sir William des Roches, and other characters that deal with the key events that changed England in the early twelfth century as the Magna Charta is written, the French bring a massive invasion on England, and a boy saves his country as well as succeeds a tyrant as king. Like all my books it will follow historical accounts as well as take from the advice of modern historians.
 The sixth book, Victory of St. George will be the concluding book of the series.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

Future Appearances Updated

 I will be playing St. Augustine for reformation day at Castle Ministries in Strawberry plains TN. Questions will be allowed and are recommended to ask about his character as I tell about his life and influence on the church.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Major Events that led to the Crusades


313 A. D. Constantine liberated the church from persecution
Late 300s A. D. Jerome translates a new Bible into Latin from the Hebrew rather than the Greek scriptures. This later is a division in theology between east and west.
476 A. D. Rome fell, Medieval times began, the church overtakes the old Roman Empire in influence in the west. 
589 A. D. Small Church Council in Spain adds the words to the Nicene Creed ''and the Son'' teaching that the Spirit proceeds not only from the Father but from the Son as well.
 610 A. D. The Prophet Muhammed claims a revelation, beginning of Islam.
 637 A. D. The Muslims conquered from Christian rule.
Emperor Charlemagne {8th-9th Century}.  insists that the filioque, meaning ''and the Son'' be added to the creed. Division continues to grow between east and west.
 1070-1094 Christians in the east become heavily persecuted by the Muslim Seljuk Turks.
 November 27, 1095 Pope Urban II calls upon Christians in the west to help their brothers and sisters in the east and retake the holy city. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Should the Catholic Church just have given the Gospel rather than the Crusades?

 I would like to answer this question and common objection to the crusades, that giving the gospel is more worthy than giving war. This is usually an objection from fundamentalist that are generally ignorant of the crusades as it is. They may say Jesus wouldn't be for war or that the early Christian wouldn't be either. Let's tackle one argument at a time but before I do let's discuss the famous monk Francis of Assisi and what he did so famous for Christendom.
 It was during the Fifth Crusade { 1213-1221} that the crusaders in Egypt were attempting to take the Holy City by a different route. Their plan was to cut off Muslim supply lines and eventually retake Jerusalem. Meanwhile a monk from Europe travelled afar all alone to east for the sake of the gospel.
 While the crusaders were fighting and Egypt and sadly falling into corruption by sexual sins with Muslim women, Francis came for the purpose of the gospel.
 To discuss Francis's character, he was very gentle and liked animals. He supposedly often calmed them and he even preached to animals as he believed every creature on earth needed to hear the gospel. Francis had once been a knight but gave it up to be a monk. Once living immorally as a knight, he dedicated his life to Christ as a monk.

But this was not all. Francis having been over a monastery in Europe decided to go to Palestine to spread the gospel. While there he encountered the crusaders whom he was disgusted with for their corruption in immortality. But this did not stop Francis. He went to the Muslims to them the gospel.  He was even about to go through fire at the request of the sultan to prove Christianity. But the Muslims did not listen. Though he was respected they still not convert to Islam.
 So fundamentals are wrong when they blame the crusaders for not giving the gospel. Francis of Assisi did and they still did not convert. The crusades had to be fought by war otherwise the Muslims would have conquered southern Europe and forced it into Islam as it forced all the countries in the east towards Islam. The gospel was given to the Muslims and they still did not change. Neither the Catholic Church nor the crusaders can be blamed for them not hearing the gospel.
 Also Francis was actually for the crusaders he just wanted to spread the gospel to the Muslims.
 Let it also be noted that Jesus never spoke against war, actually the apostles were told by Jesus to gather swords.  Nor did the early church fathers oppose just war as noted by writings from Augustine Basil, Ambrose, Jerome, Athanasius.
 The crusades were fought because they had to be.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Return of the Heroes Part Four complete!

 That's the news.  
 After two weeks, I will return to write my fifth book. God bless my readers.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Title for last two books

 For several years now I've been on a series about Richard the Lionheart King of England and his men. I am coming to completion with the Return of the Heroes. It's two sequel's will be titled Crusade to the South and Victory of St. George. That's the word for now.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Return of the Heroes Part Three Completed!

 Well that's the news and I'm, on my last part of the fourth books. On April the 9th the 3rd part was completed the fourth will be finished by June/July.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Were the Crusades against Muslims?

  Some people sometimes portray the crusades as a violent act against Muslims but this is clearly not true. Some crusaders certainly were hostile to Muslims, but other crusaders were actually allied with Muslims against other Muslims. The Crusaders were ultimately against Saracens, those Muslims that were hostile to Christians and the crusaders. My readers 90% of Muslims today are still like this, supporting Jihad. Crusade is just the result of Jihad. Our Isis enemies in Syria and Egypt may now bring was on us as they do to the Christians there. But if they do we will rely in a crusade. A Crusade is never the original offensive, but becomes offensive to defend us. Pray for the Christians in the east now facing persecution.

And may we take drive back the Crescent by the Cross. Now is the time for America to bring war on our enemies, the enemies of the church. Blood of the saints cry out''.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Update on Writing

 Just finished Return of the Heroes Part Two. Two more parts to go before itt's completion in July 2015.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Books I Plan To Write In The Future

 After my saga of The Third Crusade is complete, I plan to write on several of the other crusades, most notably The First Crusade. Then I would like to write to some other books set in Medieval times.  It is not my intent to just add another book on the shelf. I write these books based upon the good stories that make them.
 1. I would like to write a book about the struggle for the crown between Richard III and Henry Tudor during the Wars of the Roses.
 2. Then I would like to write a book about The Norman conquest of England.
 3. After these books I would like to write a book about Christopher Columbus.
 4. I would also like to write a book set during the first Scottish war of independence, and particular follow King Robert the Bruce and include The Battle of Bannockburn. 
 5. After my medieval stories, I would like to write about two primary stories in ancient Rome, the Rise of Emperor Constantine, and the invasion of the west by Attila and the Nomad Huns.

 After this I'm not for sure but I love history and hope to present it to you both historically and entertainingly. But as I say the history itself is entertaining. I don't think my books can go wrong...

of Bosworth Field.

Did the Crusades cause division between Christianity and Islam?

 A common attack from some Christians against the crusades is the crusades have caused Muslims to be hostile against Christianity and that Christendom ever since has received a bad name. This is so wrong.
 1. Arabs did not hate the west and blame them for the crusades until recently as liberal historians attacked it themselves.
 2. There was wars between Christianity and Islam hundreds of years before. That's how Jerusalem in the first place got in Muslim control.
 Maybe if some Christians didn't always blame past Christians for ''sin'', Muslims would listen more to the gospel.   


Monday, January 19, 2015

A Switch in Plan

 As of lately, I have told my readers of my book, The Return of the Heroes.  I was planning this book to complete my series on King Richard I of England, but as of recently, I have changed again to my original plan. I am going to write a sequel trilogy to my Third Crusade Trilogy, beginning with The Return of the Heroes, and followed by Wrath of the Lionheart and The Victory of England. These are early draft titles of course, that maybe changed later.   But the saga is to last longer, than one final book. Six books in total, will include Sir Peter de Preaux.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

What Christianity provides that no other Religion does

 The other night, I was watching a past debate between a Christian theologian I admire, Dr. Alister Mcgrath against a well known atheist Dr. Christopher Hitchens, whom is now past to eternity.

 Mr. Hitchens said many things blasphemous against God, and I was glad that Mr. McGrath presented a good defense of the faith, with doing it in a loving way.
 Mr. Hitchens said that those who think they know God's ways are arrogant. But how so are they arrogant, if God has given us knowledge of Himself. The Bible tells us that everyman already knows in their heart, that their is a God. Rather, it is arrogant, if we don't follow the laws given by the Creator. We were created for God's glory, and we already know that God exist, as does Richard Dawkins and all other atheist and lost people in the world.
 Atheist may criticize Christians ''for believing and having faith in something we can't see or prove to exist. '' But actually,  they too live by faith. All people do. They have faith in something. No one lives without faith. It would take a lot of faith to be an atheist.
  Mr. Mcgrath is a well known Christian apologist. A member of the Church of England, he has written extensively on Christian theology and history, as well as science and atheism.  He was a former atheist and is from Northern Ireland. Sound similar to someone? Perhaps C. S. Lewis.
 We as Christians however, should just not rely upon the famous theologians to defend our faith.
 1 Peter 3:15 we should remember about this, ''but in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an account of the hope that is in you''.
   We should all be able to defend our Christian faith, and we shouldn't have to feel like we have to prove to someone God exist, but rather express truth of the cross, salvation, and God's love for mankind. Some Christians have fallen into error,  by putting science as their ''proof'' that God exist, when in reality it our reason and nature to know the existence of God.
 Again a favorite quote from Lewis. “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
 Now for my personal defense of Christianity, which is a son of Judaism. What other religion in the world is so ancient and has never faded out? Well Christianity.
 The apostles were eyewitnesses of Christ, and for them to have given their lives for Christ, they must have believed that Christ really resurrected from the dead and would return as King.
 The Bible was written by many men over 1500 years and it all fits together.
 Islam and all other religions are shoot offs of Christianity, that are perverted and lead to destruction of the soul. The 20th century writer, J. R. R. Tolkien used Greek mythology as means in leading Lewis to Christ.  Tolkien told Lewis that Greek mythology came from Christianity.
 26,000 manuscripts line up with the historical accuracy of the Old and New Testaments. There are about ten documents showing that Julies Caesar ever existed. Other ancients you will find little support that they ever lived, but the Bible is supported by thousands of historical manuscripts for it's historical accuracy.  
 The Bible has never been proven scientifically wrong. On the contrary, much of archeology and science point to the historical accuracy of the Bible.
 As for what Christianity provides that no other religion does. Christianity is built upon God: the divine Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All other religions are built upon men. Christianity is built on the grace of God for salvation, all other religions are built upon your good works. But we have all broken God's law, the Ten commandments and are good works without God's grace, are insufficient to salvation.  It is through repentance and faith in Christ that salvation is found. Therefore, salvation is only attained by faith and repentance to Christ Jesus.
 Christianity is both a religion and relationship. For Christians it is a loving relationship with Christ and faithfulness to His Divine and Holy Will.  But is also a religion, in that we as the church, are organized as a united body that was instituted by The Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It is also a religion in that we are the servants, God is as our Lord and King of our lives. Again, it is a religion, that as we partake in the sacraments of the gospel, grace to follow His commands is given to us and as  we prepare our hearts for Christ's return.
 Christian apologetics I believe is a very good thing, as I also believe evidential apologetics particularity  is good. Remember to give a defense of your faith and do it in love. Demonstrate the love that was showed to you by Christ at the cross.  But you can't on your own. So ask the Holy Spirit to help you.  Again, as I repeat myself, do this in love. Patience will be fruitful in a Christian to a Muslim or Jew, etc. Alister Mcgrath I believe demonstrated these fruits in the debate.

Last English Class Done

  I recently finished my last English class, which covered Biblical literature. I also have completed two creative writing classes this seme...