Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Publishing and Writing Plans


                                        ''Publication is the auction of the mind of man.''

                                                         -Emily Dickinson

Between May 11 and 15, I finished the remainder of my undergraduate coursework, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in English and Writing with a specialization in Christian literature. Now, I am also a seminary student. In many ways, 2024 has been an exciting year for me. 

While I enjoyed my program, I am relieved to have finished the degree. Being an English and Writing major taught me much about what to expect and make out of literature and creative writing. On the other hand, being a seminary student is preparing me to take on ministry roles as I attempt to write my books. Currently, I am getting a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies with a concentration in New Testament and Early Christianity. I desire to be a professor of New Testament. Contrary to what many modern people believe out of ignorance, theology and literature are not entirely separable as many of the past British and American writers were Christians who wove themes of Christianity into their works. Furthermore, it's also possible to know both subjects well. For instance, G. K. Chesterton wrote both theological works and novels. The study of theology is not a subtraction from creative writing. If anything, it can often benefit the aspiring writer whose stories broadly fall into Christian literature. 

Having studied English literature and Early Christianity throughout 2024, I continued to learn more about the publication process both within and outside the classroom. I know all the essential ingredients for the beginning process of getting a novel published. Right now, I am largely revising some of the novels I've already written. While it is easy to start feeling burned out, I appreciate the words of Margaret Atwood in writing: ''If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.'' 

For me, writing my books (and eventually publishing them) has been a lifelong goal of my adult life. Though I've had different preferences between traditional and self-publishing over the years, I intend to bring my book down the path of the former. 

In general, I have many aspirations about getting my books published. With my undergrad done, I can now concentrate more of my time on my writing. 

Finally, as stated earlier, I'm writing a series of books set in the Regency era. I've been striving hard to complete one of them. 

                              ''You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.''

                                                                   -Jack London


  1. Love this. And good advice. I feel that perfection keeps me from.capably writing more than two words at once in a timely manner, so I really appreciated Margaret Atwood's quote:

    ''If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word."


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