Tuesday, January 24, 2017

No one said the writer's life is Easy

 Many writers have been turned down for their books by publishers and such. While this has not happened to me, I have also not published any books yet. I have received more freedom in writing more recently.


 I love Inside Out and will write why I do so on here soon. To me, Joy is the heart of the film as should our rejoicing of Christ in our life.

A Video of my favorite Martyr

 I love St. Perpetua. I listen to this song a lot. It can make you cry.

Joshua Dotson-Me

 A picture of myself to most of you who haven't seen me.

When writing...sometimes get off facebook!

 My encouragement here to my writing my writer friends is to get off facebook sometimes while you write as you need too to do so, to get to your work.

What I use for writing my books in 1st Draft

That's right, I use Composition Books because there cheep and easy to find. I buy them often for half a dollar and write in them my stories. 

What I'm doing for College

  I graduated from high school in may 2015. That June I started early working on college credits which I did first through College Plus then independently by taking Clep Exams at a local Community College.  Since then I have done college from home. I plan to eventually transfer my credits to Liberty University and work through them online to gain a Bachelor of Science in History, and then gain a M. A. in Medieval Studies at some university from there. So, as I write my books I'm also currently busy with college work.

A common styled Medieval Parish

Medieval History!

 The Middle Ages was that period from about 500-1500 A. D. . Many films and plays and books have been about the Middle Ages and set during it. Toys and Video games have too had a strong influence from Medivalism. Figures of knights and dragons, or games of such, have been very common. This period is full of ecclesiastical History. The Medieval World of Western Europe strongly revolved around holiness, fear of God, and the Catholic Church. The Middle Ages has been called the most Christian era of History. No leader was more respected by the pope. Most Medieval People saw themselves not of this world but passing through it, onto heaven in a pilgrimage. This was the age when all art was of History and the Church. This was the age of chivalry. This was the age of romantic poetry and courtly love. This was the age of plays and the stage. This was the age of much early literature. This was the age of courage. This was the age of Christendom and Crusades. This was the age of legends. This was the age of knighthood. This was the age of minstrels and clowns. This was the age of pilgrimage and indulgences. This was the age of kings and queens. This was the age of authority. This was the age of lords and vassals, of villeins and serfs. This was the age of the Feudal System and Manorialism.  This was the age of early unions and Craft Guilds. This was the age of Church Councils and the increasing influence of the papacy. This was the age of the Latin Vulgate Bible and the teachings of St. Augustine. This was the age of monastic influence. This was the age of St. Benedict and St. Francis. This was the age of Bible commentaries and many of the earliest catechisms. This was the age of orthodoxy and heresy, when those stayed loyal to the church, and others broke away. This was the age of religious leaders like Mohammed and Pope Innocent III.  This was the age of Islam's Rise and the persisting end of non-Trinatarian theology. This was the age that the Middle East became Islamic, and the Orthodox Church began to lose influence and go further under state control. This was the age when all of Europe, and yet some of the east still, was in unity to the Catholic Church. This was the age when all Europeans were baptized and went to church. This was the age when theology began to be more devolved than it had been during the long persecuted, and afflicted early church. This was the age when hardly anyone in Europe spoke Greek, though the east retained it, and most Europeans saw Latin as the common language of men.   This was the age of Sacraments and the common Christian educations from Monks and Nuns to the young. This was the age of the Byzantine and the Holy Roman Empires, as well as Ottoman Empire. This age bore famous writers like Dante and Geoffrey Chaucer, to name just a few. This was the age of many raids and when well until at least the second half of the Middle Ages, almost all were illiterate . This was the age when reading and libraries first began to rise in the second half of the Middle Ages, and education and intellect spread across schools across Europe. This was the age of straw peasant homes and manor houses of knights and their ladies. This was the age of Armour and chain mail. This was the age of common modesty and beautiful dresses.  This was the age of early discovery of the Vikings, and later Marco Polo, and then Christopher Columbus. This was the age in the growing role of merchants and their trade. This was the age of Holy Wars and Conquest. This was the age of farming and the plow, and the mill. This was the age of Castles and Siege Weapons. This was the age of men-at-arms and enhanced siege warfare. This was the age of wells and starvation of the enemy. This was the age of the Feudal System and Peasantry. This was the age of falconry and early mining. This was the age of Roman Numerals and their Arabic replacements in math. This was the age of much of early Science and the Heliocentric theory. This was the age that boar famous warriors like Charles Martel,  Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Godfrey de Bouillon, Saladin, Richard the Lionhearted, William Marshall, Robin Hood, Edward I, William Wallace, St. Louis, Baybars, Genghis Khan,  Edward III, Edward the Black Prince, Henry V, Joan of Arc, Richard III, Henry Tudor, to just name a few. This was the age of universities and the rise of liberal arts. This was the age of the Christianization of former Greek philosophies. This was the age of excessive torture punishment. This was the age of early monarchy and divine right. This was the age of the rise of the college of cardinals. This was the age when the Bible was first translated into English. This was the age missions of both monks and friars. This was the age of hermits and the studying of books, and long practice in both prayer and alms giving. This was the age of tournaments and jousting. This was the age of betrothal, when many married in their own class. This was the age when many, though not all believed the world was flat. This was the age of the strong influence that women played, particular in Western Civilization when their husbands, fathers, or brothers were gone in war. This was the age of some of the earliest books written by women, and yet the general silence of women on authoritative spiritual matters. This was the age of when publishing was first invented and books were distributed throughout the world. This was the age when dancing and poetry were common ways of living. This was the age when boys trained to be men at a young age, and young girls, to be women. This was the age in which Jews flourished into Europe and by which Europe was influenced in architecture, science, medicine, and math by the Middle East. This was the age that even after Rome's fall Western Civilization arises again the strongest civilization the world has ever know. This was the age that America was first founded by Europeans.  This was the age that led into the Renaissance, and later Modern History.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Hermit Time

 Just to let everyone know, I'll post again soon. I've been busy. I've been wring my books while staying off social media.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Epiphany 2017

 A most blessed Epiphany to all! At this time let us remember our blessed Lord Jesus and what He did for us and all mankind through his Birth in Bethlehem and trip to Egypt.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Thanks to Osprey Publishing

I thank Osprey Publishing for it's many books of military history. I have used them frequently through my own writing. You can buy their books here.
 A most helpful website.

Monday, January 2, 2017

What this Blog is Basically About

 This blog is not updated nearly as much as some blogs are. A Writer's Life, named after the author's unpublished book of his life as a writer, is about the major achievements of Joshua's writings, along with religious post and family stories and excerpts from his books every so often. The blog usually focuses on discussing Kings and Crusaders by Joshua Dotson, and his other writings.

A Most good Christmas and New Year

  2016 was a great year. It was the year in which I came closer to the Catholic faith. It was the year in which a Republican won the presidency. It was the year in which I continued and decided Kings and Crusaders will be ten books.
 The Christmas I spent going to mass and then returning home, with my family, and grandparents coming over. Me, dad, and my grandfather did a long Bible study on the Birth of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew that day.

 When New Years Eve came I was excited for the coming of a new year, not because I hated 2016, I loved it, but because I knew 2017 would be great, and in my opinion, probably even better. I felt optimistic about the return of a Republican to the white house.

  I have had full confidence in 2017 bringing more peace and strength to my life and writing. I got myself a calendar last year from my local Catholic bookstore to help me follow up with saint days, feats, and holy days of obligation. Soon I will be confirmed into the Catholic Church. I thank God for this so much.
 Happy New Year to all!

Last English Class Done

  I recently finished my last English class, which covered Biblical literature. I also have completed two creative writing classes this seme...