Thursday, February 8, 2024

Learn Literature as You are Learning Writing

 Today, many aspiring writers major in creative writing. They want to learn about publishing, editing, and the process of becoming a recognized author. 

I support the creative writing field. Indeed, taking these classes has benefited me as a writer. One can read books from the English Department all day, yet being corrected by other writers enhances one's ability to improve their own compositions. Furthermore, in the complicated world of literary agents, editors, publishing hours, etc, it can be beneficial for aspiring writers to learn about the process of publishing a novel or play from experts in the field. 

I have some concerns, however. Some modern aspiring writers think that they can delve into creative writing, without having read the great classics of the past. In many ways, all writers should have to read several books of Classical literature before seeking publication of their works. Homer, Virgil, and Ovid remain among the greatest writers to ever have lived. While I encourage a new generation of writers to seek the creative writing field, I also encourage them to study the literature of the past. 

As an English and Writing: Christian literature major, I have had the benefits of studying both old literature (English classes) and how to make new works of literature (creative writing classes). I think every novelist should attempt to be familiar with both the literature of the past as well as how to make a good story for the present. 

Take what you will from my post. It is my opinion that aspiring writers should familiarize themselves with Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Austen, while also gaining helpful feedback on their writings from peers and professors. 


  1. I agree 100% on the significance of experiencing both classic and modern literature!

  2. I also agree, it reminds me of someone who reads the Bible and tries to write sermons, but doesn't know anything about church history. Church history would greatly help in his knowledge of the Bible and in his sermons the same way that reading writers of the past helps a writer become more proficient in literature and writing today.
