Sunday, June 12, 2022

How Theology Impacts Literature

Over the years, my writings have been influenced often by the theologians that I was reading at that time. For example, Augustine has had a strong impact on me for many years. I do not know any writer, however, who has not been impacted by Augustine or a religious leader in some way. Indeed, most English literature until modern times reflected Christian themes. 
Literature often (if not always) reflects the theological views of the writer. In the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, we see semi-Christian themes (especially liberal Anglicanism). Likewise, Tolkien called The Lord of the Rings a ''Catholic'' work. While neither of these works is as obvious about Christianity as the Narnia series, the religious views of the writers are found in their works. 1* While some works may reflect certain Christian values, others, are explicitly Christian. 
Obvious examples of Christian literature include The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis, Everyman, Piers Plowman, and The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan. Each of these works has helped to inspire Christians for many generations. 
But how does theology impact literature? I believe that this question is easily answered by looking at the English literature of the past. For example, it is clear that Catholicism impacted Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Additionally, look as well to the influences of Christianity (whether Lollard or Catholic) in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. Finally, look to the works of Jane Austen and see how her writings reflect conservative Christian views on marriage and family. My point here is not to give a thesis. I am not here to prove all that I have just said (much of which I have proved in other articles). Rather, I simply wish to illuminate the reader who agrees with my assessments already. Literature is impacted by theology because almost all works of art (if not all) somehow reflect the worldview of the artist. We simply cannot escape our view of God and His creation no matter how much we may try. 
The philosophies that we accept about God whether from Augustine, Descartes, or Rousseau. will affect us in every way of life---including in our art. There is no escape from us having a view of God because there is another universe to live in than the one that He has made. 
Whatever we do and whatever we think says something about how we see God. Many people wrongly preach that some people don't have theology. In reality, though, we all have a theology of God. The problem, however, is that many of us do not have a Biblical one. Our reverence towards God is demonstrated through us by our choices. 
In summary, literature is impacted by theology because every writer has a view of God. The pen may be more powerful than the sword, yet not even it can rid us of the existence of God in our lives. 

1*It should be noted, however, that Rowling is far from a conservative Christian. Even besides the controversies in her writings concerning witchcraft and adolescent rebellion, she has consistently been liberal on many issues pertaining to abortion and homosexuality. 


  1. You say that everyone is a theologian whether they believe the bible or not. you are so correct and you said it so well!! The writers that have impacted your life are excellent writers and I can tell by your writings that you have picked up so much knowledge and writing skills from them. Keep writing great things! Dad
