Monday, July 18, 2011

The Gift of Christ

 Perhaps everybody in the world has somebody that loves them, whether it is by marriage, family, friends, or just pure passion for someone that you might have almost nothing in common with. You want what is best for them even though they may not love you back---and that is probably the rarest of examples.The last of these loves I would say is the most like what Christ has for us; He gave His life for us, even though many of us will not trust Him, and even though none of us deserve Him. Those who put their faith in Him and try to live for Him should recognize that they can never show back the love for Him that He gave to us. However, we should be willing to walk 2,000 miles for our faith just as the crusaders did on the First Crusade. Everybody is at least good at one thing, for everyone has some kind of talent, whether it is speaking, singing, playing musical instruments,or, as in my case, writing books.All these gifts can be used to glorify God, and each is no better than the other. Everyone should be fully committed to Christ, and no one should force a way of worshiping Christ upon anyone else, for each person should glorify Christ in the tasks he or she has been given.We are to worship Christ in every way, even if we are not good at it. Interestingly enough, I do feel the gifts that Christ have given us are the ones that we should use all the time and use mostly. Otherwise, I do not understand why some of us would be created to do some things better than others.Whatever the case, we should all try to serve Christ since He is our Creator, Savior, and Returning King. We should not force how we worship Christ upon anybody else although, with what we have been given, we should all serve Christ to the same extent with our gifts.

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