Friday, February 15, 2019

A New Quest Completed

 I just finished a very early draft of the 7th novel of Kings and Crusaders. As the series will be eight novels, with only one more to go, some of you are aware of my unconventional way of writing early drafts for each novel of the series before getting the first published. But I am actually working extensively on second drafts and beyond for the first novel, and it has vastly improved from the earlier drafts. I am also currently studying multiple books on the Middle Ages as I continue doing so at my blog: themedievalist.
 That's it for now. I'm excited to both work on early drafts for the final novel of the series, as well advance my first novel towards it's eventual publication.
 Blessings of the Agnus Dei!
 One last point, here are my early draft titles for each of my eight planned novels of Kings and Crusaders.
 1. The Rise of the Saracens, 2. The Journey to Jerusalem, 3. The Storming Rage, 4. The Battle for the Holy City, 5. The Return of the Lionheart, 6. The War of Two Kingdoms, 7. Liberty and Tyranny, and 8. The Fight for England.
 The titles are largely drafts, and maybe changed at any time, as some of them I have already changed.


  1. I like the name of your books. You always name them so well. I would like for you to read me some more again. I love hearing the story as you read it to me!
