Sunday, January 11, 2015

What Christianity provides that no other Religion does

 The other night, I was watching a past debate between a Christian theologian I admire, Dr. Alister Mcgrath against a well known atheist Dr. Christopher Hitchens, whom is now past to eternity.

 Mr. Hitchens said many things blasphemous against God, and I was glad that Mr. McGrath presented a good defense of the faith, with doing it in a loving way.
 Mr. Hitchens said that those who think they know God's ways are arrogant. But how so are they arrogant, if God has given us knowledge of Himself. The Bible tells us that everyman already knows in their heart, that their is a God. Rather, it is arrogant, if we don't follow the laws given by the Creator. We were created for God's glory, and we already know that God exist, as does Richard Dawkins and all other atheist and lost people in the world.
 Atheist may criticize Christians ''for believing and having faith in something we can't see or prove to exist. '' But actually,  they too live by faith. All people do. They have faith in something. No one lives without faith. It would take a lot of faith to be an atheist.
  Mr. Mcgrath is a well known Christian apologist. A member of the Church of England, he has written extensively on Christian theology and history, as well as science and atheism.  He was a former atheist and is from Northern Ireland. Sound similar to someone? Perhaps C. S. Lewis.
 We as Christians however, should just not rely upon the famous theologians to defend our faith.
 1 Peter 3:15 we should remember about this, ''but in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an account of the hope that is in you''.
   We should all be able to defend our Christian faith, and we shouldn't have to feel like we have to prove to someone God exist, but rather express truth of the cross, salvation, and God's love for mankind. Some Christians have fallen into error,  by putting science as their ''proof'' that God exist, when in reality it our reason and nature to know the existence of God.
 Again a favorite quote from Lewis. “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
 Now for my personal defense of Christianity, which is a son of Judaism. What other religion in the world is so ancient and has never faded out? Well Christianity.
 The apostles were eyewitnesses of Christ, and for them to have given their lives for Christ, they must have believed that Christ really resurrected from the dead and would return as King.
 The Bible was written by many men over 1500 years and it all fits together.
 Islam and all other religions are shoot offs of Christianity, that are perverted and lead to destruction of the soul. The 20th century writer, J. R. R. Tolkien used Greek mythology as means in leading Lewis to Christ.  Tolkien told Lewis that Greek mythology came from Christianity.
 26,000 manuscripts line up with the historical accuracy of the Old and New Testaments. There are about ten documents showing that Julies Caesar ever existed. Other ancients you will find little support that they ever lived, but the Bible is supported by thousands of historical manuscripts for it's historical accuracy.  
 The Bible has never been proven scientifically wrong. On the contrary, much of archeology and science point to the historical accuracy of the Bible.
 As for what Christianity provides that no other religion does. Christianity is built upon God: the divine Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All other religions are built upon men. Christianity is built on the grace of God for salvation, all other religions are built upon your good works. But we have all broken God's law, the Ten commandments and are good works without God's grace, are insufficient to salvation.  It is through repentance and faith in Christ that salvation is found. Therefore, salvation is only attained by faith and repentance to Christ Jesus.
 Christianity is both a religion and relationship. For Christians it is a loving relationship with Christ and faithfulness to His Divine and Holy Will.  But is also a religion, in that we as the church, are organized as a united body that was instituted by The Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It is also a religion in that we are the servants, God is as our Lord and King of our lives. Again, it is a religion, that as we partake in the sacraments of the gospel, grace to follow His commands is given to us and as  we prepare our hearts for Christ's return.
 Christian apologetics I believe is a very good thing, as I also believe evidential apologetics particularity  is good. Remember to give a defense of your faith and do it in love. Demonstrate the love that was showed to you by Christ at the cross.  But you can't on your own. So ask the Holy Spirit to help you.  Again, as I repeat myself, do this in love. Patience will be fruitful in a Christian to a Muslim or Jew, etc. Alister Mcgrath I believe demonstrated these fruits in the debate.

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