Friday, August 5, 2016

The Later Life and Faith of Joshua Dotson 2007-2010

 The first post about briefing over my life may be found by going to the search bar at the top left of the screen and typing in this title: The early life and faith of Joshua Dotson, which overviews a few things about from 1996 to 2007.
 Around 2007, under heavy influence from C. S. Lewis's writings and a desire to be like him and make a world like he did of Narnia, I decided to become a writer. I was eleven. During the period of the next three years I wrote many stories that were never finished.
 My work major work was The Robbit, a story imitating The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien with a good amount of humor. The work was about a hundred pages long, being written from around Summer 2008 to I believe, Summer 2011. The majority of the story I think was finished in 2009. I greatly delayed on it's ending, writing other stories and so it wasn't finished until 2011 completely. The Robbit had been written under my inspiration of my two best friends, Seth and Samuel Shiply, whom made movies, and wanted me to write a new story for their upcoming film.
 During 2007-2010 I began a host of other stories including comics and sci-fi and fantasy, and action/adventure, and historical fiction.
 A change in my writing career was when I read The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. I always loved history, but the book changed many of my interest in writing from fantasy to real life events. The Killer Angels has since, continued to be an inspiration to all my writings.
 I attempted on writing American Civil War stories, American Revolution, and World War II. Though I loved the civil War the best, most of my friends also knew it the best, and I wanted to tell a story they didn't as well.
 I wrote a book called The Killer Fighters about the Normandy Invasion and D-Day from Summer 2009 to October 2010. It was clearly my longest work. It was about 400 pages hand written. The story also had a lot of backup research and was my first book that I seriously did historical research for. I used books at the library for example. It was a good story one of, or my first, really serious story.