Saturday, December 16, 2023

New Directions


As of December 2023, I plan to finish my bachelor's in English and Writing next year and start seminary. I'm going to be starting the MA in Biblical languages, with a thesis concentration. My aspiration with seminary is to go into ministry as an Anglo-Catholic priest. I've been in talks with a friend about starting an Anglican Church in the Knoxville area in the near future. 

In the last few years, I have grown in greater interest in Koine Greek as well as New Testament theology and history. One of my main theological inspirations on the subject has been N. T Wright, a retired bishop in the Church of England. 

In the meantime, however, I'm also learning more about publishing and editing. I have a lot of books that I intend to get published. Thankfully, most of my last classes in my bachelor's degree are in Creative Writing itself. 

Kings And Crusaders remains a priority to my attention and work. At the moment, I've just been wrapped up in many other things. 

I pray that the Lord directs me in His path. I appreciate thoughtful prayers for me moving forward. 


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