Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Major Events that led to the Crusades


313 A. D. Constantine liberated the church from persecution
Late 300s A. D. Jerome translates a new Bible into Latin from the Hebrew rather than the Greek scriptures. This later is a division in theology between east and west.
476 A. D. Rome fell, Medieval times began, the church overtakes the old Roman Empire in influence in the west. 
589 A. D. Small Church Council in Spain adds the words to the Nicene Creed ''and the Son'' teaching that the Spirit proceeds not only from the Father but from the Son as well.
 610 A. D. The Prophet Muhammed claims a revelation, beginning of Islam.
 637 A. D. The Muslims conquered from Christian rule.
Emperor Charlemagne {8th-9th Century}.  insists that the filioque, meaning ''and the Son'' be added to the creed. Division continues to grow between east and west.
 1070-1094 Christians in the east become heavily persecuted by the Muslim Seljuk Turks.
 November 27, 1095 Pope Urban II calls upon Christians in the west to help their brothers and sisters in the east and retake the holy city. 

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